A couple of things that I'm excited about...and not so excited about.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My parent's bought me a new sewing machine for my birthday a couple of years ago. It is still in the box, and although I did get out the instructions one time, and read them, I haven't learned how to really sew on my own yet. My excuse was always that I didn't have a place for my machine...which is a total cop-out. I know plenty of people that bust their sewing machines out on their dining room tables all the time. My mom is the one that has inspired my creative side. She has no fear when it comes to seeing an idea she likes and figuring out how to make it happen. She also comes up with the most amazing, creative ideas of her own all the time. She really is the most talented person I know. My mom has helped me through several sewing projects, but I still don't feel like I have mastered my own machine. So...I'm taking "Driver's Ed" for sewing machines in February. I am excited to learn how to thread a bobbin and change a needle. Hopefully, after I learn all of the basics, I can start on my new curtains, some spring pillows, and who knows what else.

Coconut Cream Pie
I had my first "real" dessert of the year. I was allowed it by James because I beat him in a little radio game we play whenever we are driving somewhere. It was a homemade coconut cream pie. I don't actually like coconut cream pie...but it was delicious and well worth the 19 days of waiting. I don't know when my next "real" dessert will be, but I have surprisingly gotten use to the fact that sweets are not an option, and even though I know I can have a delicious, low-fat, low-sugar ice cream bar...I sometimes forget about them and don't even eat them.

Bert the English Bulldog and his 9 lives.
We have the privilege of dog-sitting Bert this week, and for those of you who don't know...he used to be our full-time dog (but that is another whole story). How this creature is still alive I don't know. Maybe it is for my sanctification.
Let me give you a run down of events that Bert has lived through:
1. I dropped him down an entire flight of stairs when he was a puppy.
2. He jumped out of an open window in the truck going 40mph on Metcalf. If the jump didn't kill him, you would think the possibility of getting hit by a car would be pretty high...not in super-dog's case.
3. He ran into a moving car in front of our house.
4. He use to have horrible seizures where it looked like he was actually dying.
5. He came over yesterday, and must have found one of Joseph's leftover raisins on the floor, eats it up...and then gags for about 10 minutes and is seemingly doing quite well now.
You tell me how this dog is still happy and healthy. As I am writing this I have a smile on my face because of these crazy memories, but then there is a small pang of guilt in my stomach as I think of everything this dog has been through, and how much I still don't really like him.


Metlife said...

You make me laugh Em. Be honest though, you do love Bert's swirly tail!!