Catch Up

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 year, one baby later, I have felt the urge to update my sad excuse for a blog. Maybe this time around I will write more of what goes on in my head and heart. Maybe I will post more pictures. Maybe I will share more recipes. It is quite possible that maybe this will be the only post for the next year...but let's hope that isn't the case.

 While I am here...let me share with you some exciting things going on in my world that make my heart smile.

 1. Au"gus"tine James Beecher was born June 6...I am quite smitten with all of my Beecher Boys...including of course my hubby! I feel very content and very blessed with all of my guys...and I must admit that I do like being the only "queen" in our castle. Gus is almost four months old, and it has gone way too fast. I was just looking at his newborn pics and I can't believe he is almost ready to roll over. I mean seriously... where did the last 4 months go? It has helped me really take in all the everyday moments with him. I love holding the little dude and feeling his new fuzzy hair  on my face when I snuggle with him, and see his sweet little drooly smile, and watch him try so hard to lift his little head off of the ground. Joseph and Eli are growing up so fast too. I can't keep up with Joseph half of the time. He is such a thoughtful little boy...his mind always seems to be going a mile a minute...he is trying out pee-wee soccer, going to preschool 3 times a week, and I am constantly amazed at the things he thinks about and shares with us. Eli is the social butterfly of the family. A charmer, with an ornery smile and a sensitive heart.

2. PINTEREST! I. Love. It. Period.

3. Oh my goodness.................we are finally getting an IKEA! I still can't believe it. And it will only be 2.8 miles from our house! I am convinced that I have a small part to play in this wonderful addition to our city...I mean, I did fill out countless surveys saying that Kansas City would be a great place to open their store...Do you want me to list the many reasons why? Probably not eh?

 I really do hope to keep up with the blog more... Here's hoping!


Metlife said...

Welcome back!! You know I love seeing posts of your sweet little guys! Did you know that I have to look up "ornery" every time I type it. I can't remember how to spell it for the life of me :)