Why I'm not good at blogging...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It has been about 3 weeks since I've updated my little blog...which I think in blog pretty pathetic...but here are my excuses:

1. I'm not technologically savvy...and don't necessarily strive to I don't do well with uploading pictures, which is half the fun of blogging right?

2. My little guy had a fever for 3 days...which left us home bound, sharing the computer to watch Baby Einstein video's over and over and over and over again...

It was hard for both James and I to see Joseph so sick, and to be able to do so little for him. I also learned a lot about myself this week as a wife and a mom. Patience is a virtue, and one that I am afraid I have a lot of room to grow in. I am thankful that my husband is a very patient man...otherwise this week could have been horrible instead of do-able. Even if it would have been a horrible week...I still wouldn't trade being able to stay home with my little man and take care of him the best that I can. I am so thankful for my husband, and his provision over our family...and how much more God provides for us, and thank goodness for his Grace...because I need it!

3. I confess that when I am on the internet I tend to look at websites for creative inspiration which is something that I love and hate at the same time. I'm not really sure what my "style" is...but I do know that I like color, and I like my house to feel happy and cozy at the same time. I started a new project yesterday. I decided to go through all of my magazines that I stuck in a tub that now weighs 100lbs, and rip out any ideas that I like whether it be for parenting, decorating, eating or wearing. It has been quite fun, and saves me a tub...

Thankfully, order has been restored in the Beecher home and we are looking forward to a restful weekend and a festive kick-off to the holiday season!


Metlife said...

So glad Little Joseph is feeling better! And sadly super glad that you posted the amazing cookies. Can't wait to make them!!