A couple of my favorite pics

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eli, our littlest guy is growing up fast. Here are a couple of pictures of our sweet little boy. He is a very easy going baby. He smiles most of the time, but somehow I can never capture that on camera.

This is Eli with his uncle Adam.

This next picture is currently my favorite thing in our house. I have never been able to figure out how to use this space well, and then one day, it came to me. I love vintage pictures, and I found this great calendar on-line, so with the help of my mom and dad, we created this fun gallery of pictures. I thought it all came together quite nicely. I have a few more final touches to finish this room, but I think by the end of spring it will be a lovely place to sit and share a cup of coffee or tea with our guests.

My new favorite sugar cookie cut-out. I thought these turned out so cute, that I had to share a picture with you.

Our little man is 3

I CAN NOT believe that Joseph is already 3. Everyone always tells you that it goes by so fast, but you can't really appreciate that warning until you have lived it. We celebrated his birthday with his grandmas ,grandpas, and some of his aunts and uncles. We started the day with donuts, which he hardly ate, then chicken nuggets for lunch, which he hardly ate, had Liz take him out for ice cream, and he chose plain chocolate with one itty-bitty cherry on top, and finished with meatball subs and cake and ice cream, which he hardly ate. I guess he was just too excited. We had a very special day celebrating our little man. Here are a few pictures to capture the day.