Fun Things

Monday, November 1, 2010

1. Halloween
We had a fun time visiting family and friends around town last night for Halloween. Joseph was very hesitant to dress up because he said he was scared of "the Halloween", but we convinced him to pick out an animal costume, and he loved it once we finally persuaded him to put it on.

2. Family Movie Night.
James and I have decided to start Family Movie night on Friday evenings. We order pizza from a different place each week, pop some popcorn, sit down and enjoy a movie (usually Disney) with Joseph. This week we had our good friends the Frymires join us. It was great watching Joseph and Ava dance to the music in the movie. We all had some great laughs, especially watching Ava do the Frymire wiggle dance followed by the phrase, "Oh my goodness!"
Thanks for coming over guys. We really enjoyed our time with always!

3. Baking
If there is one thing that gets me is baking. I've been doing it a lot lately. Having a new recipe to try gives me something exciting to look forward to. For some people it might be shopping, for some maybe blogging, but for me it is baking. I think part of it is the instant gratification of creating something and having a yummy end result in minutes.

Here is a picture of the lastest thing that I made. It is a recipe from the Pioneer Woman's blog...Pumpkin Spice Muffins with Cream Cheese Frosting.

A lot has happened!

In typical Emily fashion, it has obviously been a long time since I have blogged.
A few things have happened since the last time I've graced you with a blurb from my world, but tonight I will share the most exciting...the newest addition to the Beecher family.
Elijah "Eli" James Beecher was born on September 13 at 7:39 in the morning. He was a nice 7lbs. 13.9 ounces and has had no trouble growing! He is a lot different that Joseph and I project that it will remain that way. I'm thinking that Eli is going to be the quiet, reserved thinker, while Joseph is a definite extrovert...witty, silly and a friend to everyone. I can't wait to see the brotherly love develop...right now I'm just trying to protect Eli from Joseph's "affection."

Here are a few pics of the boys from the last few weeks. More to come. Enjoy!