James and I just finished watching Julie and Julia...which we both really enjoyed. However, James did not know who Julia Child was. I bet him that 9 out of 10 people he asked would know who she was, so he has been texting and calling people trying to disprove my hypothesis. So far, 4 out of 5 people have known who she is. I will keep you updated. I told one of James' friends that she is more famous than the pope. He disagreed but has still not been able to tell me the Pope's name. You decide...
A lot has happened since I last posted a blog...The main thing being Christmas. I really enjoyed preparing for the season this year, especially spending a little time each night with Joseph and his Advent calendar that his Aunt Lauren gave him, and talk a little bit about why we celebrate Christmas. He also loved playing with his Nativity set that his Grandma gave him. He learned the words angel, Jesus, and camel. It was such a blessing to watch him get excited every night to open up a new door on his calendar.
My mom, sister-in-law, and I just spent a wonderful day going to the movies, to lunch, and then to get dessert at some local Kansas City restaurants. There are so many great "pockets" in Kansas City...but that is a whole other blog. I will say that we are looking forward to Good JuJu this Friday.
Here are a couple of random pictures that we have taken with James' phone. Sadly, I made the mistake of letting Joseph play with my camera, and now it is broken...so until we get a new one, which could be awhile, we are taking advantage of the resources we have.
Joseph being silly... Joseph getting daddy's car ready for his drive to work...what a helper.
Joseph and his cousin Alyssa.
Eating ice cream...one of daddy's favorite things to do is take Joseph to get a treat together.
Our Christmas tree
I can't believe my husband doesn't know who Julia Child is...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by Emily Beecher at 8:43 PM 5 comments
Pastries, Parties and Poopies
Monday, December 7, 2009
We had a fun weekend... and it is too bad that I didn't take very many pictures, because there were plenty of Kodak moments.
We began the weekend with the Metcalf family and spent the morning in Lawrence...and ate some delicious doughnuts. ( I tried the cream cheese doughnut which was amazing!!!) Thanks for a fun start to our day Metcalfs!
Then James, Joseph and I traveled to Manhattan to celebrate Kate Deaver's first birthday. Ben and Maris call her their little ladybug, so I made some cookies to go along with the theme. It was a very relaxing day at the Deaver home and it was great to catch up with some old friends.
The next day we celebrated my dad's birthday at his favorite restaurant...which we refer to as "Joe's", but it is actually named "Rancho Grande Cantina". Just in case you guys are interested, they have the best tacos in town (maybe second to Derek's) and they are buy one get one free on Taco Tuesday! After we stuffed our faces, we went back to my parents to eat another delicious pastry...cherry pie a la mode.
After all that eating...Joseph really needed to go. We are in the very infant stages of thinking about potty training. Joseph can say "potty", "poopie" and "ewww"...if only he would tell us before the deed is done. Here he is enjoying the funny papers.
Posted by Emily Beecher at 7:50 PM 0 comments